Shake Rattle and Ruin !!!!!!

Here is a small bit of info that is often looked over But is one of the main reason for bearing/bushing ware.

For talking sake most new bikes now come without pedals and as you have just shelled out a small fortune on the bike we tend to stick a set of  old pedals on it and if these have any play in them at all you are starting to wreck the Bottom Bracket as all vibrations travel through the crank arm’s and Shake the life out of it in a very small amount of time this in turn will then travel through the frame to the nearest pivot or bush and so on and so forth.

This can also happen in the reverse order if a bush in your shock has play it will travel to other moving parts of your bike so stay on-top of them.

Be sure to check things are nipped up correctly and that there is no play in any parts that should be tight.

One more thing I would advise that you check or get checked every now and again if you have a full suspension bike is that the rear end is functioning smoothly i.e. bearings are not ruff as this will cos a world of issues. one easy way to check this is to remove the rear shock and cycle the rear end up n down if the movement is ruff or there is any resistance then this should be fixed as quick as poss.

The quicker these things are sorted the cheaper  the repair will be.