Winter Kills Components

It is safe to say that we all dread the cold wet winter for one reason or another but my biggest dread is the chance of RUST and/or CORROSION!!!

Winter Kills Components

Winter Kills Components

It is not only in winter that your bike can be struck down with this god-awful condition but there is a much higher chance.

A good way to help prevent this is to keep on top of general maintenance and DON’T fall in to the “I’ll do it tomorrow”.

In my eyes cleaning and lubing the bike is part of a days riding.

It would not be a first to have had a good wet day’s riding fling the bike in the back of the van and by the time you have driven home pulled the bike out and somehow the onset of this awful illness has already set in.


No maintenance + Wet ride – wash and Lube = Death to bike/components = ££££££££

General maintenance + Wet ride + wash and Lube = Healthy Bike/Happy rider + £££ in the bank.

Stevie Head Mechanic