Category: Staff Bio

Euan Speirits – Goin’ Downhill – with Freeflow Bikes

  Hi everyone, My name is Euan Speirits and I’ve been working as a Saturday employee for Freeflow Bikes for the past year. Unfortunately my university studies have been getting the better of me, and I’ve had to cut back my time in the shop. However I am now writing this blog- Goin’ Downhill- to

Colin McFadyen – Sales and Marketing Manager – Bio

Hey guys my name is Colin I’m 25 and I am the Sales and Marketing Manager at FreeFlow Bikes, I have been working for the company for around 8 months now, and every day brings something new. When I first joined the company I realised this was not like any other industry I had previously

Toing and FreeFlowing

Toing and froing, back and forward. It’s a bit like trying to decide what to write here but FreeFlowing is what we are about so here goes a little introduction…to me! I’m Andy O’Neill and I’m responsible for all things trail centre related within FreeFlow, namely the construction of our own set of trails, adding