Lock it or Lose it!

As a bike retailer we have noticed an increasingly alarming number of people contacting us due to the fact their bike has been stolen.

Recent statistics show there are a massive 533,000 bikes stolen every year within the UK. Of that only 156,000 are reported to the police meaning 1 in 5 thefts go unreported.

Having spoken with customers who have had bikes stolen from garages, places of work, even back of a pickup truck and most disturbingly one even reported their bike being stolen from a cemetery. Here are a few handy hints that we hope will help keep your bike safe.

  1. Probably the most important tip is to make sure your bike is insured. Many people believe they are covered by house or home contents insurance. This is not always the case so be sure to check rather than assuming. There are many insurance companies out there now that provide insurance for bikes only, for a little as £8.00 per month.
  2. Register your serial number with the manufacturer if possible. If this is not possible try asking the shop you bought it from if this is a service they provide. We were recently asked by a couple of police forces if we record the serial number. This is due to the police realising that bike theft is a multi million pound industry and they are now using tools such as ebay to check for stolen bikes. If you have your serial number registered then you might be one of the lucky ones.
  3. Ensure you have a good lock. If you can buy an additional extension cable. This will allow you to wrap an extra cable round both wheels for added protection. Always secure to an immovable object and never use Victorian Iron fences as these are easily broken with just a tap from a hammer.

So if you want to keep your bike safe from the clasp of thieves follow these simple tips and hopefully you and your bike shall live happily ever after.

Why not check out our selection of bike locks.

A thief stealing a bike

Don't Let Your Pride & Joy Go This Way!