Cathkin Braes Commonwealth Games XC Track updates

Hi all as the track at Cathkin has changed somewhat since my last blog on it I thought I would but out a quick update of the changes


First big change is the the exit of the three lined corner.

Corner changes

You really can let loose on this know. and just after this there is know some hip style jumps that are a very nice touch at this part of the track.  I am unable to fined any pic’s of these yet but be ready to give it your all or take it easy.


Next up The fast line half way down the big woods has had a massive load of LARGE rocks put in that if you are not careful will mess you up so take time to scope it out.

New rock garden

They have also made a start on the cross over point in the way of a large tunnel and looks like they are changing the lay of the track at this point also.

All in all it really is shaping up to be a changing course and right on our doorstep.

As I am now going to be there every Thursday night  after work i hope to see some of you there and if you feel like joining  us on a Thursday evening drop me a call at the Unit on 0141 630 0021 as our forum is temporarily down.  Would like to see you all there.


Hope this helps