
Welcome to the new blog from Freeflowbikes. We’ve been busy launching our own social network for all you bikers and cyclists (you can join here), so we’re happy to announce that we’ve finally managed to get this up and running too. OK, so we’ve still got to sort out the look and feel, but we promise we’ll sort this soon!

Anyway, we’ll be blogging about all sorts, from our forthcoming trip to Eurobike where you can read about the latest and greatest products, to reviews of local tracks, our outings, and hopefully some hints and tips posts too. Not to mention some great reviews and grouptests so you can make sure your hard-earned cash gets spent on the right pieces of kit.

Don’t be afraid to give us a steer on what you want to read about too – we want the blog to be as useful as possible, so get in touch in the comments below. Don’t forget to follow us on Twitter too, and check back soon for some more updates.

Over and out
